To celebrate World Read Aloud Day this Wednesday March 9, here are some of the books that we’ve enjoyed recently in the art room!
My first graders LOVE Pout Pout Fish – the illustrations are awesome and the story is sooo cute.
Another fun book we’ve enjoyed is What Will Fat Cat Sit On? Just a goofy story but the cartoony animal drawings are really great.
My kiddos also enjoy books about the artists that we are studying. Three we’ve just finished:
Action Jackson – all about Jackson Pollock; My Name is Georgia, about Georgia O’Keeffe, and a new one to the art room, Sandy’s Circus – about Alexander Calder.
And what does Mrs. Brouwer read in her spare time? Here are two of my favorites – about artists, of course!
Luncheon of the Boating Party, a great read about Renoir and his life in France; and Vermeer – Girl With A Pearl Earring.