Well everyone – we’re done in the Art Room until September. Before we go, here’s one last project from our fabulous G-Town artists!
What to do with all that opened paint that won’t keep over the summer months? What to do now that the District Art Show is over? HOW to keep summer-ready students interested and excited about making art? Hello, Pinterest and the inspiration for this awesome mural project!
Big, big thanks to Katie at Experiments in Art Education for this very cool end of the year project. My kiddos LOVED it. Their comments as they were painting were awesome to hear, including this one: “Mrs. Brouwer, I could do this ALL DAY!!”
Here’s what we did:
1) Talked about murals – interestingly, I have never taught a mural lesson, and I need to expand on that idea – many of my students were not familiar with murals and mural artists. Yikes!
2) Began with black line shapes. The shapes could not touch, and when the paper was full, we connected the shapes with lines.
3) Painted the shapes with color – each student got a cup of color and was instructed to walk around the room, adding color to all the murals in different areas.
4) Final step – we outlined around the shapes again to make ’em POP. Love, love love these. They will decorate the art room and our hallways in the fall. Can’t wait!
Have a great summer, everyone!