Georgetown’s Art and Steam teachers collaborated on a very cool project. Our Kinders and First graders were challenged in Mrs. Totten’s STEAM Studio to design and build their perfect paint brush. (See the project in STEAM class here.) They thought about the kinds of marks they wanted to make with their brushes and created brushes that would dab, draw, and make different types of lines.
STEAM Brushes – ready to paint.
Their colorful brushes were put to the test in Mrs. Brouwer’s art class. First grade artists created an abstract landscape with their newly built brushes.
First step – a little texture rubbing.
Step two – putting those brushes to work with paint!
A little black paint to outline – and beautiful landscapes by First Graders are complete.
Kindergarten artists were also excited to create with their STEAM brushes. We explored the work of Eric Carle, and created a background of water for our darling Eric Carle inspired yellow ducks.
We wrapped up our Steam/Art Brush Project with a discussion about the brushes and how well they worked. Our First Grade and Kindergarten students had some great ideas to improve their brushes, including using clothes pins to hold cotton balls on the brushes so they could change the cotton balls when they got gooey with paint. Many wanted to go back to Steam class and figure out ways they could design ways to clean their brushes to re-use them, along with attaching more objects to the brush to make different painted lines. This was a great thinking + creating project, with beautiful results!