What Does Art Mean To You?

Georgetown 5th graders were challenged to think about what art really means to them.  They brainstormed ideas together and read quotes from famous artists.

Then the painting began!  They traced their hands on canvas panels and added paint in warm colors.  They also explored making texture in the wet acrylic paint with sticks and printing with bottle caps.

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Next came the cool colors for the background.


The final step was to collage their ideas onto their paintings.  I typed all their brainstormed thoughts and artist quotes so they could cut, color and glue them to their paintings. They also drew directly on their canvas with crayons or markers.

I love the way each student really expressed their own ideas through their paintings!

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I CAN: creatively use warm and cool color combinations; talk about art; develop my own ideas about my own art making.

See more of our Art Hands at our ARTSONIA on-line art gallery here.

First Grade Trees

WE CAN….make many, many kinds of lines!  First graders learned about one of our most important art elements – LINE.  They practiced making oodles of different kinds of lines, including zig-zag, mouse ears, roller coaster, castle, and cloud.

After tracing their hands to create their “tree”, lines and color were added.  Then they were challenged to make at least 8 different kinds of lines as they decorated their leaves.  They were up for the task!


Then came the tricky part – mindfully cutting out their leaves and glueing them to their trees….looking out for the Glue Monster (no big gobs of glue!) and placing their leaves using their “artist’s eye” for a beautiful fall work of art.

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More of our beautiful line trees can be found at our ARTSONIA on-line art museum!

Line Hands

My fourth and fifth graders completed this fun project recently when I had a substitute teacher in the art room.  They looked at artist M.C. Escher’s “Drawing Hands” for inspiration, and drawing all those straight lines gave them some good practice using their rulers too!

M.C. Escher’s “Drawing Hands”

Special thanks to fellow South Elementary Art Teacher Mrs. Nienhouse  for this project idea!