Claude Monet’s Frogs

First grade artists have been learning about the Impressionist work of Claude Monet.  As they examined Monet’s Japanese Bridge painting, they all wondered….where are the frogs on the lily pads?!

So…we created lily pads, blending our colors so it looked like the sun was shining on them, just like Monet might do.  They added little tissue paper flowers, and finished with these too-cute-for-words frogs.

Claude Monet’s “Water Lilies and Japanese Bridge”

Making just the right shade of “froggy green”.


Thanks to Pam over at Panther’s Palette for this project inspiration, my 1st graders loved it!

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Snowflake Owls

Second grade artists had a blast cutting the “perfect” snowflake for their paper collage owls.  They learned how to do a special “snowflake fold” and tried out some new scissor cutting techniques for making spectacular snowflakes.  Aren’t these owls a hoooot!


Like ’em?  See lots more on our ARTSONIA Museum site!

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New Zealand Korus

What’s a Koru?  Ask a Georgetown second grade artist!  They will explain that a Koru is a New Zealand Maori word that means “loop”.  A koru looks like a fern frond or a spiral, and to the New Zealand Maori people the koru represents life, growth, strength, and peace.

Second grade artists drew these beautiful korus with a marker and finished them with carefully blended oil pastels.

 blending the koru with a paper tortillion.


Special thanks to the fourth graders at Alum Creek  Elementary School in Ohio for this project inspiration!

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Mona Lisa Triptych

Third grade artists have been learning about Leonardo daVinci and his famous Mona Lisa painting.  They were excited to learn daVinci’s trick of drawing eyes that seem to follow you around the room, and brainstormed lots of interesting ideas about what Mona Lisa might have been thinking about as she smiled mysteriously while her portrait was being painted.

They created their own Mona Lisa drawings in a triptych – a work of art that is divided into three sections – and wrote their Mona Lisa thoughts on the outside of the triptych.


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Roy G. Biv

First grade artists wrapped up their color unit with a little rainbow order project and Mr. Roy G. Biv.  They painted their little birdies in rainbow order, and LOVED their Roy G. Biv bracelets!


Thanks to my fellow bloggers for these project ideas:

Rain bow birds – The Painter’s Palette

Roy G. Biv Bracelets and Template – FunArt4Kids


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New Art Show Selections

Congratulations, Georgetown Artists!  Here are the latest selections for our 2013 HPS Student Art Show.  Thanks to our wonderful kindergarten art teacher, Mrs. Persch, for getting these masterpieces ready for the art show!


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Australian Bark Paintings

Third grade artists wrapped up their study of Australia as they explored Australian bark painting.  They viewed Aboriginal cave paintings and learned that the hand print stencil found in many cave paintings can be a symbol of peace;  it is also used as a signature, to show that a person was in that place.

Third graders also viewed bark paintings and learned that the symbols and images found on traditional bark paintings are similar to Aboriginal cave paintings.  While we would have liked to use real bark from the Australian stringybark tree for our bark paintings, we settled for brown Kraft paper and decorative sticks from Mrs. Brouwer’s front yard!


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